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Single Female tired of being SINGLE! I am fun, sensual, sexual, smart, witty, tough exterior - warm and sensitive inside, caring, soft, pretty and usually rather easy to get along with. I am the person that will be anyone's best friend until you hurt me or severely piss me off, in which case, someone you wont ever talk to or see again. I'm ALWAYS late - have been told I'll be late to my own funeral, but I can't see how that could be a bad thing - LOL!!I don't have a lot of limits sexually - I love it all! Sex is great, and it's a required necessity in my life. Someone special to go beyond that sure would be nice to go with it. One-nighters and fuck buddies are all good, I would just prefer someone that meant more to me then that, and someone I meant more to as well.I've been married, I've been divorced. My last steady relationship of 2 years has been over since the beginning of last year, and now I'm ready to see what's next for me... is it you?Yes! I want a new relationship with someone. I'm not obsessed or desperate. I will wait for who I want and not settle for whatever happens to come along or anyone that is anything less then what I want.

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