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big man looking for a good time Hi, my names Stephen but I go by luphawk online. Iaˆ™m trying to brake into writing professionally, Iaˆ™m working on adapting a novel into a screen play so some friends and i can make it into a (admittedly very low budget) movie and Iaˆ?m looking for an artist to work with so I can brake into comics. I like to read, watch movies, lysine to music (mostly country but i prefer not to judge a song by its genera so Iaˆ™ll listen to just about anything)and take long walks (mostly at night). i'm shy at first but worm up pretty quick (that sounds clichA© but its true). as far as what i like to do on a date, I don't know, I guess the classic diner and a movie and maybe see whataˆ™s happening in the area (for example if there was a consort). As for what Iaˆ™m looking for I don't know, someone intelligent and with an open mind. If your interested contact me and Iaˆ™ll let you know if I think you might be what Iaˆ™m looking for, if I contacted you then obviously I thought you where what I was looking for and you don't really need to reed a description of what I thought I was looking for. I don't know what ells to say so if you want to know anything ells ask.'

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