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Looking for an NSA fuck buddy? You found him! AThings I would do with you given the chance.... I would start by bringing a bottle of wine to you, and pouring a glass while we talked. I would drool like a moron for about 3 seconds before getting my wits back about me, and would say something funny, as I am actually pretty shy and tend to use humor to put it away. As we enjoyed a glass of wine, I hope we could talk for a few, but not get too involved. I just came out of a bad marriage and do not need my heart broken again by someone who looks like a goddess. After we relax for a few, I would like to take you to the shower and scrub you down from head to toe, just to wash away any tension. I am actually quite the masseuse, and I think you would enjoy the sensual bathing. After I had you nice and relaxed, I would lay you down on a soft bed and start to worship you beautiful body with my mouth and tongue the way it should be done. NOW HOLD ON A MINUTE.... I did not say I was gonna lick THAT yet, so you will just have to wait a few! After I get you sufficiently frustrated, I would bury my face between your legs. As I lick everything EXCEPT what you need licked you will squirm and try to get you tender little rosebud under my lips. Finally when you do not think you can handle a second more I will take your sweet= est spot between my lips and suck it ever so gently while I play my tongue over it. As your hips buck under me in orgasmic pulses, I will hang on for dear life, sucking and licking you ever closer towards unconsciousness...... Now, you can fill in the rest in your reply to me. BTW, My name is Josh, I am 6' 250 lbs, mostly muscle. Bald, with blue eyes and a goatee. I have a 7" uncut toy for you to play with, and strong hands. Give it a whirl, all you have to lose is your breath!

new experience I'm looking for someone who can be very disceet. She has to be healthy and clean. Someone who shares the same likes and dislikes. Who can be patient and understanding.' find local sex Mc coy Colorado
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