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Sweetheart seeks SINGLE Male Hi there... Yes I am back in the New Orleans area. My apartment suffered very little leaks. After 3 weeks away from home I was happy to be back home. Now I have a little bit longer to wait until I can return to work. All this time as a extended vacation but I dont think its a vacation without anyone special in my life has given me cabin fever. Read on about me & drop a line to say hello.... Married men please do not reply...... I have been single way too long to get involved in one nite stands with any married man. I know what I want so I am not into playing any headgames or such.I am very affectionate & treat that special man very special. I love to cuddle, kiss, hold hands & ofcourse run my fingers thru his hair. I am very "oral" but only when he is just as "oral" You know the saying "I'll wash your back if you will wash mine" I am not into the Dom/sub roles. I am just a easygoing down to earth female who enjoys sex. I am a big sweetheart that can either be shy or very talkative. It depends on the mood I am in & who I am around. I enjoy doing many things. dancing, campground camping, travel, dining out or in, movies & a few other things. I am easy going & spontanious too. (Meaning can be ready for almost any outing in a short notice since I am not high maintenance) I am looking for a "SINGLE White Male" non-smoker drugfree' find local sex Wellington Missouri
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