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Hey its me I have dark brown hair, hazel green eyes, I am about 5"6, and weigh 110. I am a sporty girl because I play basketball, football, soccer, I run track, rugby, and tennis. I love to sing and dance, but I mainly love to eat. Lol.' find local sex Berthold North Dakota

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looking for fun shy but fun guy love 80s songs
Nausty woman Well hi guys,

Hot Accents make me weak and horny. If your interested, READ the profile I have been on here for a while, and I am tired of asking for a face pic! So if you want me, then you better find a way to get one to me. Im looking for someone that has a nice body! I love muscles! Not TOO much though! The 2 things that REALLY turn me on, are working mans arms. They are ripped with a little bit of veins, (not like roid veins) and are just freakin HOT! Im also a sucker for a nice back too! I would just love to run my tounge up that crease in the middle! ;~)Tatoos are hot! whether its 1 or sleeves! If I wanted a big boy, I would stay home. Sorry boys! Im looking for the total opposite of my man. Someone that likes to take control, but isnt an ass about it. Someone that is into taking their time to satisfy me, so I feel the need to satisfy them. Someone that isnt about a serious relationship.' find local sex Berthold North Dakota
looking for some good times 5'8 155lbs brown hair blue eyes

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horny 26w looking for a fling... can you satisfy me? Im a 26 y/o ww living in Salisbury. Im 5'6" with brown eyes and a slender build. Nice tits and and a great ass to hold onto while you fuck me. I dont want anything serious, just want to see who can make me cum. I need a big cock and someone who can talk me to the verge of orgasm.

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