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Engaged couple looking for a hot female to share in one-time threesome We are a kinky engaged couple looking for a hot female to share in a one time threesome with no strings attached. Female must be willing to have intercourse with the male and must like to pleasure the female and like to be pleasured. Anal is a huge turn on for us but it is not a must. Blondes are a favorite for both but brunettes are hot too. Female likes role playing and rough sex. Couple is very private about sex life and lives alone. Threesome would take place at our apartment. 1
red the god from BX Im lightskin with briads about 6 feet tall with a medium size body. My persanality is someone who is outspoken and creative. Im looking for someone who's a lady in the steets and a freek in the sheets. And a brian wonte hurt.'

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i am a fun loving man who enjoys meeting new people i am 6'1 brown hair that is always short. i have two tats and three piercings and i am always down to party

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I am a bartender and college student in okc I am a 32 year old man seeking to have discreet fun with an interested woman in okc.I am in a relationship and things are not too bad for me in my longtime girlfriend but I sometimes get really bored with the routine life that i live. I would love to meet preferably a single women that is older than me that also experiences bouts of extreme boredome from time to time.I am open to all racial backgrounds and women ages around 20-60 or so. I am 5-11 inches 190 pounds and I enjoy life in general including spending time with friends and family social drinking,and fantasizing about meeting an older woman one of these days. I am not into extremely high maintenance women i prefer down to earth women that dont mind drinking a beer from time to time. I am attracted to women of various sizes but I dont want anything to xtreme!!!! I look forward to hearing from you all to see whats really happnin!!!!'

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