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married and horny I am married never been with a female. I just want the chance to try it. find local sex Marathon Iowa

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Just a cool handsome guy looking to hang out professional single guy living & working in the to travel in the winter to warmer places and sail on LM in the summer.'
im all about the f.u.n live your life the best you can.

sexually adventurous man I am strong, athletic, work out times a week, active with kayaking, camping, hiking, rollerblading, etc.I'd like to meet a sexually adventurous man, someone that has experience and knows how to pleasure a woman.'

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Looking for a good time I don't know what I am looking for...Just someone that is respectful. I am sick and tired of men not respecting me. I was not born yesterday, yes I have a brain, and all truth I could probably kick ur ass if I wanted to. K, now that I vented...But hey that is how I am, I speak my mind and just because I am a girl, it makes me more of a firecracker and prove more that I get what I want (because I work for it and get it myself. No I don't want ur money, half of u I just want to use u for the pleasure of myself!!! Because that is all half of u r good 4 (not always a bad thing) To make this short and sweet (even though it hasn't) I want a "friends" with benefits. Someone respectful, that is willing to hang out along with having sex. Most have stuff in common to and not be intimidated when I beat u in pool or hang with you shot for shot and don't get sick (drinking. FYI I will just delete Ur e-mail if u don;t have any pics or if u send me a dick shot. It is not appealing to me and will not persuade me any other way to hook up with you because of it. The fantasy of hooking up with a girl is still there too, but all I have met R fake, girly girls that turn out to be psycho bitches....So if I find someone that I connect with, I'll have a go, NO 3 SOMES, NO BOYFRIENDS WATCHING, JUST ONE ON ONE

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