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Luckyou Brand Jeans I have recently relocated to the NO for Law School. I have been with a woman once before and had a nice experience. Since then i have been extremely curious. I date men but am interested in taking a break from that scene for a while, too much expectation. I am simply looking for a girl who likes to have a good time be it hanging in the quarters, going to the gym, yoga, movies, nails, doing girly things whatever. Not looking for love, but need some attention. I have a lot on my plate with school and all so friendship first.... I have been told that i am very attractive, i am 5' feminine, light skin, medium build, short curly natural hair..... i have pictures, yours gets mine. If i sound intriguing than holla at me! I am interested in a pretty feminine woman with a nice soft body, very sexy, aggressive but not possessive. Who also likes to date men, extremely spontaneous and loves to have a good time.
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